BlogMay 2023Build the Best Sandcastles

Build the Best Sandcastles

Enjoy building sand castles near Cinnamon Shore vacation rentals

Meet the Sandcastle Guy!

As a sponsor of Texas Sandfest, Cinnamon Shore has a presenc at the Port A native sand sculpting contest, and we're pleased to pass knowledge of the craft from local Mark Landrum, a.k.a. the Sandcastle Guy with complimentary sandcastle lessons for homeowners and guests. Sandfest brings in national and international master sculptors. But Mark is an expert builder and professional teacher right here in Port Aransas, and three days a week this summer, you'll find him on the beach at Cinnamon Shore.

Sandcastle Lessons: Summer Schedule

Between Memorial Day and Labor Day Weekends, meet up with Mark from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Beach Marker 44 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at Cinnamon Shore. Your complimentary two-hour lesson will turn your children into mini experts in the ways of stacking and shaping sand.

What You'll Learn

Mark knows his sand buckets and carving tools. He's particularly fond of the plastic knives made by Texas grocer HEB for crafting his creations--and he's tried all the brands. "HEB's are the best," he says. So remember that when you're packing your sand toys for your next beach trip and throw in a package of plastic knives for beach time! Who knew? When you come for a lesson at Cinnamon Shore, however, Mark will provide all the tools you and your child need for the two-hour session, while Mother Nature provides the sun, sand, and water.

The Science of Sand Sculpting

With 23 years experience sculpting sand, Mark explains the science of building sturdy castles. He throws out terms like "hydraulic compaction,"  the principle that allows tall and sturdy castles to stand strong. He'll show your child how to use a bucket with a hole cut into the bottom, drawing up water into sand and letting it seep back down to make the grains stick together firmly. 

You can read about it, but sandcastle building is best learned with hands-on play. Little ones will start with "pancake stacks" of sand and "volcano stacks"--soft mounds that allow carvers to make shapes in them. Mark will have 3 gallon buckets that kids can mix a slurry of Port A's particular type of sand and water once they dig to the water table on the beach. Then they can build castles--and anything else they can dream of.

Texas Sandfest Sponsor Cinnamon Shore has its logo carved into the sand pyramid during the event.

From Working with Numbers to Working with Sand

Mark has been teaching vacation guests and homeowner kids how to make sandcastles at Cinnamon Shore for 16 years. "I started doing lessons there before there was a building down there," he says. But before he decided to become a professional purveyor of sandcastle-building techniques, he worked as a bookkeeper in Corpus Christi. He learned sandcastle-building from other experts along Padre Island, and has become the go-to area sandcastle pro. "Now, i get to play on the beach," he says.

Book Your Summer Stay

To make sure your kids get to enjoy complimentary sandcastle lessons at Cinnamon Shore, book your summer stay now! See Available Rentals!



Published on Wednesday, May 3, 2023

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